Writer’s Digest Grand Prize; Junior Library Guild Gold Selection; Selah Finalist; Florida Authors & Publishers (FAPA) Award; Golden Scroll Award; World Magazine, Children’s Books of the Year, Honorable Mention; Kirkus Best Books of the Year and PW Starred Reviews; Massachusetts Book Award, Must Read; Delaware Diamond Award; Northern Lights Book Award; Boston Authors Club, Honorable Mention; Pat Parnell Poetry Prize, and more
Hearts In My Pocket
Bless the Earth
One Perfect Plan: The Bible’s Big Story in Tiny Poems
24 Carrot Writing Holiday List
Imagination Soup Faith-Based Books
Imagination Soup 25 Outstanding New Picture Books
For Every Little Thing
The Story I’ll Tell
Double Happiness
School Library Journal, Diverse Books
My Sister Alicia May
Norwood Daily News and Walpole Times