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Educational Programs

“A voracious reader is the very child who will become a great writer.”

Nancy Tupper Ling

Whether through poetry or picture books, I write about topics that are on my heart. It’s that simple. When I wanted to tell the story about a young girl whose sister had Down syndrome, I wrote My Sister, Alicia May. The idea for The Story I’ll Tell grew over time as I listened to friends’ stories of adoption. And the multicultural childhood of my own children played a big role in my story Double Happiness. So this is what I tell students, young and old: “Write more than what you know. Write what’s on your heart.”

Below you will find some examples of my school visit presentations. I am happy to tailor my program to your specific needs. For a quick peek at my pricing for author visits, click here or contact me to discuss rates and options at nancytupperling (@) gmail (.) com

Click Here to view an activity kit for The Story I’ll Tell.


Click Here to view an activity kit for Double Happiness. 


Click Here to view a lesson plan for My Sister, Alicia May from Classroom Bullying Prevention.

The Story of a Book: (Kindergarten through Grade 6)

From the very first idea of a story, students will journey with Nancy through the process of how a manuscript becomes a book. Students will see the initial journal entries and editor’s feedback, the illustrators’ revisions and some of Nancy’s secrets for staying hopeful through the process.  We’ll also talk about where ideas come from, during this exciting show and tell.

Special Like You: (Story Time with Grade Pre-K through Grade 2)  

Based on the lives of two real sisters, My Sister, Alicia May touches on the joys and challenges of growing up with a sibling who has special needs. Every child is special in her own way, as Alicia’s older sister, Rachel, discovers by the end of this book. This story time opens up conversations with children about their differences and similarities, and how to appreciate both. 

Poetry of Place: (Kindergarten and Above)

Ling’s picture book, Double Happiness, is a story about a move that is told through poetry. In this session, students will create their poems about a place that is special to them using all five of their senses. We will also create a class poem together. This workshop is especially popular during April, poetry month, but anytime is a good time for poetry. Poetry really can be fun!

Storing Up Treasures: (Grade 1 and Above) 

Writers are like detectives, practicing the art of observation. As students learn to jot down their own “treasures,” they’ll become better writers. Ling will share how a simple visit with friends became the spark for her own book, My Sister, Alicia May. Then we’ll do some observation exercises that relate to writing.

The Incredible Journey: (Grade 3 and Above)  

Do your students dream of becoming authors? Join Ling on an excellent adventure. Grab some walking sticks and boots, we’re off on a journey. Full of props, this fun-filled presentation explores three keys to publication: passion, patience and persistence. After all kids can be authors, too.

Some Prior Engagements

  • Ashland Public Library, Ashland, MA
  • Benjamin Franklin School, Newark, NJ (via Zoom)
  • Blessed Sacrament School- Walpole, MA
  • Booth Free School- Roxbury, CT
  • Boston Athenaneum, Boston, MA
  • Boston Public Library- Boston, MA
  • Boyden School- Walpole, MA
  • Concord Public Library, Concord, MA
  • Elm Street School- Walpole, MA
  • Fisher School- Walpole, MA
  • Fiske Public Library- Wrentham, MA
  • Framingham Women’s Correctional Institution- Framingham, MA
  • Frances W. Parker Elementary School- Quincy, MA
  • Gordon College- Wenham, MA
  • Hardy Elementary School- Wellesley, MA
  • King Philip HighSchool- Wrentham, MA
  • Miss Porter’sSchool- Farmington, CT
  • The Masters School, Simsbury, CT
  • Montessori Day School, Wellesley, MA
  • Morrill Memorial Library- Norwood, MA
  • Old Post Road School- Walpole, MA
  • Partners in Art- Wrentham, MA
  • Roderick School- Wrentham, MA
  • South East Regional Reading Council (SERRC)
  • Walpole Public Library- Walpole, MA
  • Walpole Recreation Dept.- Walpole, MA
  • Wayland High School, Wayland, MA
  • Wrentham Senior Center- Wrentham, MA 


From Lincoln Elementary School:

It was a pleasure to read your beautiful stories to my class, but it has been even more of a joy to watch them pull your books out of our classroom library and read them over and over again – they even wait for their peers to be done with Double Happiness so they can read it next! Poetry tends to fall by the wayside here, and your books are helping my students to realize that they might actually like poetry! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Cassie Howard, 3rd Grade Teacher

From Frances W. Parker Elementary School (Quincy, MA):

We loved having you! – Ms. Carol Austin

From Hardy School:

Thank you again for coming to Hardy…you are a wonderful presenter. The kids were SO excited to see their work published on your page!, -Ms. Giampietro

From Fisher School: 

We loved how the author dressed up like Sherlock Holmes.- Isabel T.

The pictures were beautiful, and the author wrote a lot of similes.  The presentation was excellent.-Rylee A.

I loved it so much.  it was so touching. My teacher cried when she read the book.- Dena O.

I loved it so much!!  it was so fun reading it.  You should write more and more books.- Rachel

Everything was perfect.- Emily D.

This book  was one of the best E-V-E-R!- Emily B.

From Boyden School:

Nancy coming to Boyden Elementary was one of the greatest experiences for the entire school community. Aside from being the creator of the beautiful story which she read to each class, she took the time to gear her presentation to each grade, she brought treasures so each child would always have a connection to “My Sister, Alicia May,” and she set a consciousness that will impact the school children for years to come.- Aicha Kelley

From Gordon College:

What an informative session we had with Nancy! With poise and humor she told us of the ups and many downs that are involved in the rollercoaster ride to getting published.  In our class we spent the entire year learning about how to use children’s  books in our future classrooms, but it was such a treat to hear how those very books come about—from inspiration, to rough draft, to final copy.  It was so fascinating to get a candid, inside look into the world of books and publishing, and I so appreciated it. Thanks so much Nancy!- Aleah Tarnoviski

I learned so much from your presentation and I know my students did too. You have obviously worked hard and it is paying off! Congratulations on your book, My Sister, Alicia May–a great story that will reflect in many mirrors as well as open up windows.- Suzette Persenaire, Professor, Children’s Literature