Welcome to my site. I am thrilled that you have stopped by for a visit! I’m a children’s author, poet, librarian, bookseller (Blue Bunny Books & Toys) and wannabe knitter, not necessarily in that order. I have great fun teaching poetry to all ages. In 2002 I founded the Fine Line Poets, and I have served as a judge for numerous writing contests, including The Sandy, the Mass Book Awards, the Boston Authors Club and the Massachusetts State Poetry Society. A few awards I’m grateful to have received are: Junior Library Guild Gold Selection; Selah Awards Finalist; Florida Authors and Publishers Award (Silver/Picture Books); World Magazine, Children’s Books of the Year, Honorable Mention; Kirkus Reviews Best of Year; Massachusetts Book Award, Must Read; Delaware Diamond Award; Northern Lights Book Awards; Julia Ward Howe Honorable Mention, Writer’s Digest Grand Prize

“A tender look at the many emotions that separation can cause.”—Kirkus Reviews
For fans of The Invisible String, here is an uplifting and lyrical story about a young girl who learns to navigate her family’s divorce.
Hearts in My Pocket can be preordered anywhere books are sold.

A beautifully illustrated collection of poems and prayers to help children develop an appreciation for the natural world
Bless the Earth, our faithful friend,
her mountain range and river bend,
her forest green and canopy,
the hidden world of bended trees.
Bless the Earth shows the miracle of our planet Earth through beautiful imagery and delightful poetry, calling all people, young and old, to care for our wonderful world. This sweet and welcoming anthology for children ages 3-7 knits together our common humanity and the natural world in an engaging way that is simple for young readers to understand.
To order Bless the Earth, please check out Penguin’s website.

To connect to these free poetry resources, click here.

Have a sneak peek at some of the inside pages, like this title page. Isn’t it beautiful?!

“As a pediatrician and father of eight, I have never seen the need for God more than in the lives of growing children. One Perfect Plan helps fill this need by providing memorable Bible verses and kid-friendly artwork.”
—William Sears, MD, co-author of The Portable Pediatrician
It’s here! You can purchase ONE PERFECT PLAN: THE BIBLE’S BIG STORY IN TINY POEMS wherever you order books. Read about one word, one story, one promise, one God: Experience God’s redemptive plan in one sitting through various Bible stories from the Old and New Testament—and Jesus at the center of it all. Learn more HERE!

“A picture book that introduces young readers to the story of the Bible—all in one sitting!—and invites them into God’s great plan. Chau’s beautiful, flowing illustrations bring to life the story of the Bible told in Ling’s short rhymes.”
—School Library Journal
And here’s the opening page . . . Creation (Genesis 1):
One word— then light breaks into darkness; the sky, the seas, and life—how wondrous!

To find resources to compliment
ONE PERFECT PLAN, click here!
To Inquire About School Visits, Click HERE:

Upcoming Events & Signings
NCTE Boston is fast approaching. I’ll be signing on Sunday, November 24th, at 10 am for Penguin Random House. Bless the Earth is the book that will be featured. Next up after NCTE is the Newton Children’s Book Festival on December 14th, from 10 – 2 pm
Read more...Cover Girl
Well, that’s a first! Thanks to the amazing photographer, Stacy Murphy, I had a lovely photo for the cover article with Leading Hearts in their October 2024 issue. Here is the link to the article I wrote called “The Healing Power of Words.” I hope you enjoy the read!
Read more...Interview with Robert Sharpe BITE Radio
Grateful for Robert Sharpe’s program and that he took the time to read many of the poems in Bless the Earth. To hear the program, head here!
Read more...Picture Books for Earth Day
Honored! Thank you Mia Wenjen for including Bless the Earth! https://www.pragmaticmom.com/…/picture-books-for-earth…/ June Cotner Penguin Random House Grateful for our contributors!
Read more...Cover Reveal: Hearts in My Pocket
As posted by my amazing illustrator, Shirley Ng-Benitez: So happy to get to share the stars of HEARTS in my POCKET by the incredible author @nancytupperling , publishing 12/10/2024! Here’s Leila and her pup Pepper! It was such a joy to spend time with Leila as she moves through change spending time in the city ...